8 Crystals for Beginners
There are thousands of different types of crystals and minerals in the world. When starting your crystal collecting journey, or even if you are already an avid collector, there are basic crystals that every collection should have for its foundation. This blog post will highlight 8 of those key crystals and why every collection should include each one.
1. Selenite
The name Selenite comes from Selene, the Greek Goddess of the Moon. This crystal represents purity, clarity, and peace. It is also one that does not require any cleansing or recharging (although I still place mine in the sunlight/moonlight from time to time). In fact, this crystal can help recharge others! Smaller crystals can be place on top of selenite to cleanse and recharge them. You can find selenite in the form of blocks, wands, bowls, spheres, and other carvings.
2. Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is also know as "The Master Crystal" because it can also be used to charge other stones. The word "quartz" derives from the Greek word for ICE. This crystal represents purity, focus, positivity, and patience. Clear quartz can assist in eliminating negative energy, unblock energy flows, and improve moods.
3. Amethyst
Amethyst is known as "The Stone of Calm" due to its calming properties and how it helps balance emotions. This crystal can be used to aid in lucid dreaming, deep sleep, and relaxation. It will also protect you from any negativity while you're sleeping. To benefit from it's calming properties, place a piece of amethyst under your pillow or next to your bed.
4. Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is known as "The Wisdom Stone". It represents deep inner peace, inner truth, communication, and wisdom. Lapis Lazuli can assist in confronting and speaking one's own truth. as well as encourage self-awareness. It also inspires confidence! The bedroom or central room are the best locations for this stone.
5. Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is known as "The Love Stone" because it represents LOVE! It also represents feminine energy, romance, harmony, and kindness. Rose Quartz can assist in welcoming new love into your love, help to refresh old love, and awaken your inner goddess. Place a piece of rose quartz in the heart of your home to help encourage healthy love and compassion.
6. Tiger's Eye
Tiger's eye is known as "The Power and Protection Stone". It represents self-confidence and inner strength. This crystal helps balance the soul and alleviate anxiety. Wearing a piece of Tiger's Eye can help you overcome the fear of an upcoming interview or presentation. This crystal can be worn as a piece of jewelry or carried in your pocket!
7. Carnelian
Carnelian is known as "The Sunset Stone" and is associated with fire energy. It is also said to be the ancient stone of fertility. It represents enthusiasm, warmth, stability and grounding. Carnelian can assist in building personal power and confidence. One of the benefits of wearing carnelian is an increased libido and finding your own sexual identity.
8. Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is known as "The Master Protector" and is a powerful stone that is used for protection and grounding. Since black tourmaline is a protection stone, it can also help us resist outside negative forces. Keep a piece of black tourmaline in your pocket to prevent negative or unwanted energies from attaching to you as you go about your day.
Chakras and Crystals
In a previous blog post, we discussed what chakras were and what each chakra represented. Sometimes, our chakras get blocked and those blockages can cause some disruptions in our energy flow. Crystals can be used to help unblock our chakras. Below is a list of the chakras and what crystal mentioned in this blog post corresponds to each.
Crown Chakra - Selenite or Clear Quartz
Third Eye Chakra - Amethyst
Throat Chakra - Lapis Lazuli
Heart Chakra - Rose Quartz
Solar Plexus Chakra - Tiger's Eye
Sacral Chakra - Carnelian
Root Chakra - Black Tourmaline
To unblock a chakra, place the corresponding crystal in the area where the chakra is located. If you can't do this, you can also just hold the crystal in your hand. Now, with your eyes closed, visualize the color of the chakra you wish to heal and unblock. Imagine the energy from the crystal moving into that chakra and pushing out the blockage.Or perhaps that crystal energy is sucking up all that negative energy like a tornado.
For example, the third eye chakra is the spot between the eyebrows. Place an amethyst crystal in that spot or hold the crystal in your hand. Now, visualize the color INDIGO and imagine the energy from the amethyst (as the color indigo) moving from the crystal to your third eye. This energy can be a swirling tornado of indigo light. That indigo energy is now sucking up all of the negative energy blocking your third eye and throwing it out of your body. Your third eye is now filled up with clean indigo light!