Smudging Made Easy
Smudging 101
What is Smudging?
Smudging is a spiritual practice or ceremony that has been used for thousands of years by indigenous peoples. It involves the burning of sacred herbs or resins to bless, cleanse, or purify a person or place. The act of smudging helps clear negative energy from rooms and homes - and from people's mind, heart, and body.
Four elements are involved in the smudging process:
1. the container - typically a shell or bowl that represents the element of water
2. the sacred plants - cedar, sage, sweetgrass, tobacco - that represent mother earth
3. the fire - produced from lighting the sacred herbs and the third element
4. the smoke - produced from the fire - representing air, the fourth element
Steps to Smudge:
1. Gather your tools - container, a sage bundle or other herbs, matches, a feather (optional)
2. Open a window in each room you will be smudging so the smoke can carry the negative energy out
3. Set an intention or say a prayer before smudging - visualize what you want to accomplish during the smudging ceremony.
"Cleanse this house and make it clear - only good may enter here"
"Into this smoke, I release all energies that no longer serve me, all negativity that surrounds me, and all fears that limit me. So it is."
4. Light your sage or herb bundle with a match. When the leaves start smoldering enough to release a thick smoke, blow out any flame. First smudge yourself. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP! Allow the smoke to surround you from head to toe, using a fan or feather to guide it. This is a great time to ask your guides to assist you in this cleansing ritual and to protect you from all negative energy.
5. After smudging yourself, work in a clockwise direction around your home and in each room, ending back where you started. Start at the bottom floor and work your way up. Use the feather or fan to direct the smoke into the corners of the rooms and over objects like jewelry, clothing, and furniture to rid them of negative energies. Follow your intuition. You may feel you need to spend longer in a certain area or room to really cleanse the space.
6. Once you've smudged the areas you desire, smudge yourself again to close the ceremony. Then extinguish your smudge stick in sand or dirt. If you won't be reusing it, running it under some water is a good idea. Some people bury the remainder of the smudge stick and others continue to use it until there is nothing left. Whatever feels right to you is what you should go with.
7. Say a prayer to give thanks to your guides for assisting you in the cleansing of your home or person. Leave the windows and doors open for a minimum of 20 minutes to allow the negative energies to float right out! Take a few minutes to sit down and relax in your newly cleansed and purified space. Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and just let the positive energy fill you.
Different Smudging Herbs:
There are many herbs that can be used for smudging one's space. Here are some common herbs and what they are used for -
White Sage: the most common smudging herb - banishes negative energies and offers protection, blessings, and cleansing to anyone and anything the smoke touches
Blue Sage: cleanses negativity, hate and jealousy; brings wealth, health, prosperity, and healing to your life
Rosemary: brings about mental clarity and calmness by allowing you to "let go" of any negative thoughts
Yerba Santa: used for love, purification, growth, empowerment and beauty, and the release of emotional pain stored in the heart chakra
Dragon's Blood: used for protection, purification, banishing negative influences and bad habits, and brings good fortune
Cedar: drives out the old and negative energies to increase attraction for the new and positive energies
Palo Santo: traditionally used as a natural remedy for colds and flus, as well as symptoms of stress; cleanses negative energies and brings in positive energies
Lavender: used for cleansing, increasing clairvoyance, creating the energy of happiness and healing, purification, and tranquility
Sweetgrass: used for promoting happiness, open heartedness and harmony, attracts good spirits and purifies auras
How Often Should I Smudge?
As often as you'd like to! Some prefer to smudge weekly, others smudge when they get a new piece of furniture or have just had guests stay with them. Freeing your home of stagnant energies can be done anytime, but it is a good rule of thumb to smudge your home at least four times a year - with the changing seasons!
For mini smudge sessions, smudge candles are available for purchase. Check out our selection under the Cleanse collection.
As with the burning of any candle, a smoldering smudge stick must never be left unattended. The use of a container is important to catch any ash that may fall from the smudge stick. When smudging, take care around pets (dogs, cats, birds...etc), the elderly, infants, and anyone with a respiratory issue.